Medical Aspects of Disability. By Doctors, Zaretsky, Richter III, and Eisenberg. Published by Springer Publishers. This is one of the larger medical books I designed. About a thousand pages with over a hundred charts. and tables. There are many typographic details in a book like this so you need a very versatile family of typefaces. The serif family I used here is, Reminga by Xavier Dupré. It's a beautiful contemporary cut of a Garamond-style typeface. The sans-serif is called, Page by Albert Boton. Sans-serif faces were originally created to be the simple typefaces of the people, with no frills like small caps, but the contemporary faces do have those beautiful details. This one has a wonderful small cap face that I included in this book. This book was chosen as one of the best book designs by the DesignRush jury.

Medical Aspects of Disability. By Doctors, Zaretsky, Richter III, and Eisenberg. Published by Springer Publishers.

Medical Aspects of Disability. By Doctors, Zaretsky, Richter III, and Eisenberg. Published by Springer Publishers.

Medical Aspects of Disability. By Doctors, Zaretsky, Richter III, and Eisenberg. Published by Springer Publishers.

Medical Aspects of Disability. By Doctors, Zaretsky, Richter III, and Eisenberg. Published by Springer Publishers.

Medical Aspects of Disability. By Doctors, Zaretsky, Richter III, and Eisenberg. Published by Springer Publishers.

Health Care Delivery in the United States, published by Springer publishers. I got a call one day in my studio from the president of Springer publishers; the US company (part of the German company I believe). She had seen one of the books I designed…

Health Care Delivery in the United States, published by Springer publishers. I got a call one day in my studio from the president of Springer publishers; the US company (part of the German company I believe). She had seen one of the books I designed and liked the typography. You don't get calls like that very often. She had a problem with her books but didn't know what it was and wanted me to look at them and talk to her about it. I sent over there and looked at some books. The margins were very tight, about a quarter of an inch, all over; the gutters, the margins, even the space between the book title at the top of the page and the text. They were large books, over a thousand pages. The type was all about the same size, even the chapter titles were small. You got tired of reading it after 5 minutes. I told her we need to first open up the margins a little bit and use more versatile type families; ones with display and text sizes, small caps and semi-bold, bold, etc. She liked what I said so she hired my studio to design about 10 books. Big, 1000 page tomes filled with charts and tables. This one was the first. We decided to go with 2 colors inside to help separate the myriad typographic and infographic needs. We made the charts nice and big. It was very well received. Josh Klenert and Andree Kahlmorganwere the designers who worked with me on this one. We used the entire Eureka typeface family for this; sans serif and serif versions, designed by Peter Bi'lak. Over a thousand pages. Over a hundred charts, graphs and tables.

Health Care Delivery in the United States, published by Springer publishers.

Health Care Delivery in the United States, published by Springer publishers.

Health Care Delivery in the United States, published by Springer publishers.

Health Care Delivery in the United States, published by Springer publishers.

Health Care Delivery in the United States, published by Springer publishers.

Health Care Delivery in the United States, published by Springer publishers.

Health Care Delivery in the United States, published by Springer publishers.

Health Care Delivery in the United States, published by Springer publishers.

Health Care Delivery in the United States, published by Springer publishers.